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Nickname: usetheforce

Wohnort: Melbourne (Victoria), Australia

Sternzeichen: Steinbock

SHOEs: runners
Schuhgrösse 7½

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» 5404
Member seit: 25. Sep. 14
Letztes Login: 22. Sep. 16
Über mich
Ich bin:
Lesbisch, Out, Nichtraucherin

Auto, Motorrad, Fahrrad, Füsse


Über mich:
I´m creative, positive minded, health orientated - I enjoy the company of an intelligent woman.
Love to grow food, prepare food and share food, and am into permaculture and green-building and sustainable living.
I recently began a degree in Engineering - as I’m determined to further my path in sustainable energy and would love to learn Danish! any Danes out there??
i think life is something to be lived as a positive inspiring example to others, and is about giving and sharing rather than accumulating.
If you are positive minded, your heart is whole, (a warm heart and hands type) ... with an intelligence above average, a dislike for materialism (unless it potentially involves books or costumes), a love of getting things done, and a passion for community and healthy living, then you and i are on the right trajectory.

Das mag ich:

i like mathematics, literature, physics, philosophy, chemistry, building stuff, growing stuff and quiet peaceful non-drama relating, and great conversations over coffee… I like soccer, motorbikes, 4wd´s, getting muddy, getting out in the open air and living simply, crossword puzzles, making things in general - from lego things to sewing to drawing and writing, and making people laugh and making food.

Das mag ich nicht:
smoking, drug taking, mainstream thinking. right wing conservatism, racism, sexism, bigotry, animal abuse.
i like to focus on the good things in life not the negative. so no complainers and drainers. x more love and kindness please! :)

Flirt Status
Grün: You and me babe... how about it...?

Was wäre wenn...?
  • Mit welcher prominenten Lesbe würdest du ein Date haben wollen und warum?
    probably Ellen. because she's funny and has great values.
  • Zu welcher TV-Familie würdest du gerne gehören und warum?
    orange is the new black. (is that a 'family'?)
  • Wie sieht für dich ein gelungenes Wochenende aus?
    reading books, gardening, great coffee, sex, a hot bath, a wonderful dinner, a movie. more sex.
  • Worüber kannst du dich aufregen?
    as in makes me mad? people being lazy / messy / racist / sexist.
  • Wie sieht deine Wohnung aus? Beschreibe sie.
    clean, neat, stylish, original. vintage/modern mix. definitely a fan of clean and neat though.
  • Wovon träumst du im Leben?
    flying mostly. then i dream of finishing my engineering degree and working in renewable energy.
  • Wie kann man dich zum Lachen bringen?
    intelligent wit. my friends know how to make me laugh.
  • Wann hast du das letzte mal geweint?
    when my friend had a baby recently.
  • Welche drei Dinge würdest du auf eine einsame Insel mitnehmen und warum?
    a plane. fresh water. a pilot for the plane.
  • Welches Buch hast du mehr als 1 x gelesen und warum?
    written on the body - jeanette winterson. it was the book that gave me the confidence to come out.
  • Welche berühmte Person würdest du gern mal für einen Tag sein?
    definitely madonna.
  • Du bemerkst, dass der Reissverschluss an deiner Hose offen ist und andere das bereits gesehen haben, was würdest du tun?
    just zip it up and laugh probably. i have no problems laughing at myself.
  • Mit wem möchtest Du nie in einem Lift stecken bleiben?
    donald trump. obvious reasons.
  • Wen oder was würdest du gerne einem Ausserirdischen zeigen oder erklären?
    atomic theory. and then the big bang theory. see if thats how they understand the universe.
  • Was isst du am liebsten?
    fresh, organic anything.
  • Du hast ein Date mit deiner Traumfrau und sie schmatzt beim Essen. Was tust du?
    encourage her.
  • Was würdest du mit einem Stück Papier machen?
    write on it. make a paper plane. write a love letter. post a positive thought to myself.
  • Wie alt warst du bei deinem ersten Kuss und wen oder was *lol* hast du geküsst?
    i actually cant remember! woops.
  • Was regt dich am meisten auf wenn du an Lesben denkst?
    bitchiness. jealousy. unforgiving.

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